While sending personal greeting cards from your business is still technically direct mail marketing, this offers something a bit different. Simply, there is a more emotional response and a closer connection associated with sending and receiving a greeting card, even if it is from a large corporation. As a full-service custom printing company, we offer you full transparency when discussing how successful greeting card marketing is for our own business. To date, we’ve seen an approximate 2,000% return on investment. Just last year, we earned $310,000 in top-line revenue from a single card mailing.

What we did:

  • We sent a little over 12,500 cards in October 2017. The total cost of the cards, printing, and postage was less than $20,000.
  • We sent the card to some of our previous holiday card customers as a way to remind them to re-order their products in 2017.

A good portion of our profits are generated from greeting card sales, so it makes sense to send them as part of our marketing. But this type of marketing makes sense for most businesses. What’s the appeal in today’s digitally-dominated world? That’s precisely it. Because everything’s gone digital, customers and business associates are craving something more personal. Greeting cards are tangible; they’re something you can hold in your hands, and they don’t instantly self-destruct like digital ads do when you move onto something else or close the page. Plus, greeting card marketing can be done in conjunction with other digital aspects of your campaign, for maximum success.

With proven neuroscientific research, people retain print marketing longer than digital.


If your direct mail marketing comes in the form of a greeting card it has the potential for even more staying power, as it may end up on a customer’s fridge, desk, or perhaps their Christmas tree. Greeting cards, specifically, are something you would send to friends and family for holidays, birthdays, a simple thank you, and numerous other occasions. So why not send them to your customers and colleagues? They are personal, likable, and well-received. They stand out in junk mail as a curiosity worth opening, and people have a tendency to feel bad throwing them out immediately. It’s a welcoming way of saying “Hey, check us out, we should keep doing business together, and we really enjoy our relationship.” Whether it’s tradition or personal appeal, if the simple act of sending a card brings in revenue it’s worth it. You can brand greeting cards with your logo, include a promotion, and add a stronger component to your marketing.

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s a great time to test out greeting cards with your customers, employees, and business associates. This type of marketing is easily trackable, so you can truly see how sending a simple greeting card can increase year-over-year profits by enticing prospects to take action, assisting in establishing and maintaining long-term customers.

CardsDirect has helped non-profits, small businesses, and the entire Fortune 100 list generate success from greeting card marketing. Talk to us. See how this medium will work for your company, and let us create the ideal greeting card campaign for your business.

Brett Miller

Brett Miller is an experienced marketing and communications professional with over ten years in the industry. His unique multichannel marketing approach helps establish, maintain, and develop world-renowned businesses with revenue-driving strategies that exceed projections and create lifelong brand loyalty. His work is featured across several mediums, including radio, TV, web, and print. For more info, contact Brett Miller at bcmillercd@gmail.com.

Published by
Brett Miller

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