5 types of business greeting cards to keep on hand

In order for businesses to succeed, they need two things: happy customers and happy employees. A happy customer base is much more likely to provide extra business because customers will often return and will also probably give you a word-of-mouth marketing boost by referring their friends and associates. And, in my experience, happy employees are more likely to work hard and do a great job. For that reason, it’s important for managers and team leaders to pay attention to their customers and employees on a more personal level by saying thank you often, celebrating birthdays and special occasions, and sending greeting cards. Here are five types of business greeting cards you should keep on hand:

1. Business birthday cards
Taking the time to celebrate an employee’s birthday is a great way to boost office morale and show employees sincere appreciation. You can also use them to send to valued clients or customers on their special day – just make sure the note is handwritten and genuine! If you’re sending birthday cards to customers, you may even want to include a small gift certificate or credit for your products as a token of your appreciation and a way to keep them coming back.

2. Corporate holiday cards
Holiday cards can be sent to both employees and clients, but they should be kept nonreligious unless you have a personal relationship with the person you’re sending the card to. In fact, consider setting yourself apart from the slew of holiday cards your clients will be receiving by opting to send cards at different times of year. For instance, send clients Thanksgiving cards (the perfect day to say “thank you”) or even Valentine’s Day cards.

3. Business thank you cards
Thank you cards are one of the most important types of greeting cards businesses should keep in the office. Send business thank you cards to employees any time they go above and beyond their job description or otherwise do really great work. The notes should be brief, specific and personal. Clients and customers should receive thank you cards if they’ve spent a lot of money or have otherwise done you or your business a favor (something like featuring your company in a magazine article may warrant one).

4. Sympathy cards
Businesses should handle condolence, sympathy and get well cards with care. Feel free to send them to clients or employees who are going through a loss, an illness or another personal issue, but make sure they’re sincere and without an ulterior motive. The last thing you want them to do is look like a money-grabbing tool. Put thought into the messages you write in sympathy cards, and only send them to clients if you know them on a personal level.

5. Note cards
Blank note cards that have a pretty photo or the company’s logo on them can be used for a variety of reasons, so it’s a good idea to have a few in the office in case something pops up. For instance, you can use one to congratulate an employee for a personal or professional achievement, like an engagement or a great new client.

Dawn Mayo

I have been strategically involved in establishing Cards Direct as a top provider of customer service in the greeting card industry since joining the company in 2001.

Published by
Dawn Mayo

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