News & Notable

Musician inspired by grandparent’s love letters

Peter Miller is the frontman for We Are The Willows, an orchestral indie rock band based out of Minneapolis.

11 years ago

Woman receives love letters from WWII

There's nothing more romantic than a handwritten love letter.

11 years ago

6-year-old granted birthday wish: Mail

You would think that most little boys might want toys, candy or video games if they could be granted one…

11 years ago

Woman reaches out to cancer patients using paper cranes

Paper can be used to spread messages of joy, gratitude and even sympathy using holiday cards, thank you cards and…

11 years ago

Woman transforms greeting cards into decorative boxes

Receiving holiday cards, birthday cards and congratulations cards in the mail always put a smile on my face. One Indiana…

11 years ago

Who reads all the celebrity fan mail?

So much mail is sent to celebrities that a small industry has sprung up devoted to screening and occasionally replying to…

11 years ago

Young girl learns the value of handwritten letter

It is easy to overlook the true value of a good old-fashioned handwritten letter. Writing out your thoughts by hand…

11 years ago

Pen pal program shows the importance of letter writing

With young children growing up in a world filled with iPads, smartphones and computers, not many are familiar with the…

11 years ago

Mike Emrick is adding letter writing to his agenda

Long-time hockey commentator Mike Emrick is taking the time out to reach out to everyone that has made an impact…

11 years ago

The Cultural Dictionary

Words are such fun, especially when they are newly created! With all the words being exchanged via electronic media these…

16 years ago