Just for Fun

6 facts you never knew about fonts

I was surprised to find these fun facts about typography that can help you better utilize font in cards and…

9 years ago

How are you celebrating your anniversary?

Whether you and your other half have been married for five years or 50, anniversaries are a big event, and…

9 years ago

Menu ideas for football season

Football season is now underway, which may mean several gatherings of friends and family.

10 years ago

Decorating with ampersands

Ampersands, otherwise known as the "and" symbol, can be used for more than combining sentences, phrases and letters on party…

10 years ago

Must-haves for your home library

A home library is the perfect spot to kick back and relax at the end of a long day.

10 years ago

Welcoming your new neighbors to the area

See that moving truck next door? Looks like you have a new neighbor!

10 years ago

Appetizer recipes for your next dinner party

After you've finalized the guest list and sent out the party invitations, it's time to focus on the menu.

10 years ago

Turn your party menu into stylish display

Whether you're getting married or simply hosting a dinner party at your home, you're going to need a menu for…

10 years ago

Crafting ideas: Glitter inspiration

If you're as addicted to anything sparkly as I am, then you're going to love these glitter-inspired crafting ideas.

10 years ago

Hop on board with the chalkboard trend

Chalkboards aren't just for the classroom anymore. This vintage trend is taking off in the world of weddings and interior…

10 years ago