How Celebrating Birthdays Will Save You Money

Are you looking to motivate your employees and save money? Studies show that emotionally connecting with employees can actually increase…

8 years ago

How Managers Can Fight Employee Fatigue

A company is only as successful as its employees. No matter how good your company business model is, a team of burnt-out employees…

8 years ago

CardsDirect Makes Debut in Netflix’s New Movie Girlfriend’s Day (A Cynical Shout-Out to the Greeting Card Industry)

For its short runtime of only 65 minutes, Netflix's new movie Girlfriend's Day actually packs in quite a lot. It…

8 years ago

The Beginning of Beautiful Business Relationship

The sooner we embrace the selfishness in every relationship the quicker we get to the mutual benefits that come for…

8 years ago

Check Out Our Netflix Debut with Girlfriend’s Day on February 14th!

CardsDirect has a darker sense of humor this Valentine’s Day with their debut film Girlfriend's Day on Netflix. Starring Bob…

8 years ago

A Series of Fantastical Uses for Greeting Cards & Other Printed Business Products

A series of infographics detail fantastical scenarios where greeting cards and other printed business products can be used for a…

8 years ago

What to Consider When Designing Your Business Cards

A lot of thought goes into a person's business cards. What to add, how much to add, and how to…

8 years ago

Run Your Business to the Beat of Different Drum

There’s a musical quality to running a business – sometimes it’s easy to forget this. This year it’s time to…

8 years ago

5 ways to help your team improve their health in 2017

As a New Year's resolution, encourage your business to commit to improving employee health. Here are five ways to promote…

8 years ago

New Year’s resolutions for small businesses

Here are a few small business resolution ideas to get you closer to meeting your goals in 2017.

8 years ago