Sending customized handwritten letters

Given the direction that information sharing is heading, now is a better time to get into the practice of sending…

10 years ago

5 greeting card stuffing gift ideas

Greeting cards are flat and not many gifts can fit in them. So we've compiled a list of some gifts…

10 years ago

Rules of Etiquette to Remember When Writing Emails at Work

In the course of a workday, I probably write over fifty emails. And I’ll be honest — I’m usually drafting…

10 years ago

Casual dress in the office

In 2015, casual dress has become more of a norm in the working world. Companies that would have been filled…

10 years ago

Tips on getting to know your employees

When it comes to getting to know your employees, there's a variety of strategies that can be used. Hosting one-on-one…

10 years ago

Congratulations cards 101

If someone you know is graduating, getting hitched or has a new little one on the way, it's time to…

10 years ago

The basics of baby shower invitations

Here's a guide for everything you need to know to choose and send baby shower invitations.

10 years ago

5 times your business should opt for snail mail (rather than email)

There are some instances when online communication simply doesn't make sense - even in the tech-oriented world we live in…

10 years ago

Guidelines for great letterhead design

Any time a business sends letters, thank you cards or anything else on personalized stationery, a letterhead will likely be…

10 years ago

How to write sympathy card for an employee

After an employee has suffered a loss, it's generally a good idea for his or her manager or boss to…

10 years ago