6 letters to write on your wedding day

A handwritten letter is unique and has a personal touch to it unlike email or social media messages. Personalized stationery can be integrated into a variety of areas in your wedding day. This simple gesture will go a long way in showing how much you care for the recipient. Here are a few ways to use letters on your big day:

Pre-ceremony love letters
Before you walk down the aisle, exchange love letters with your fiance. Have your photographer capture the emotional reaction on your faces when you both read the loving words from your other half. You can even have him read the letter you wrote out loud so the videographer can have it on tape forever.

A letter to your parents
While your big day is about you and your spouse-to-be, your parents played an important role in getting you to that altar. Give them the most sentimental gift of all: a handwritten letter. Thank them for all they have done over the years as well as how they have prepared you for this very moment in your life. You can write one letter that your parents can read together, or construct two separate letters for each of your parents.

A letter to yourself
Never forget about yourself! Writing a letter to yourself pre-ceremony can serve as a special reminder of the commitment you’re about to make. Jot down particular things you’re excited about and why you can’t wait to marry your future spouse. This letter will be fun to look back on each year when your anniversary rolls around. This letter should be written prior to your big day so that you will be able to open it up and read it before walking down the aisle.

Fight box
Couples have taken to a unique wedding trend known as a fight box. You and your spouse both write love letters to each other before the big day detailing how you feel for each other. Then during the ceremony, those letters get placed into a box along with a bottle of wine and some glasses. The box is then hammered shut, and it is to be opened when you and your other half have your first big fight as newlyweds. You can read over the love letters to remind yourselves of what really matters, and cheers to many more years of happiness together.

Meaningful words from guests
If there is a friend or loved one who can’t attend your big day, ask them to write a letter to you and your fiance. You can then incorporate these letters into your ceremony to recognize those special people in your life that couldn’t be there for this memorable day. For instance, have your officiant read the words of encouragement and happiness out loud so that you, your spouse and all of your guests can hear.